







交互式三维脑图象特征定位及白质纤维动态可视化技术研究  科技部


基于视频分析的儿童行为研究  国家自然科学基金委


移植Vaa3D-Mozak分支到Vaa3D主线  外资单位


1.V3D enables real-time 3D visualization and quantitative analysis of large-scale biological image data sets. By: Peng, Hanchuan; Ruan, Zongcai; Long, Fuhui; et al. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 348-U75 Published: APR 2010 

2.Automatic reconstruction of 3D neuron structures using a graph-augmented deformable model. By: Peng, Hanchuan; Ruan, Zongcai; Atasoy, Deniz; et al. Conference: 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) Location: Boston, MA Date: JUL 11-13, 2010 BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 26 Issue: 12 Pages: i38-i46 Published: JUN 15 2010 

3.Segmentation of center brains and optic lobes in 3D confocal images of adult fruit fly brains. By: Lam, Shing Chun Benny; Ruan, Zongcai; Zhao, Ting; et al. METHODS Volume: 50 Issue: 2 Pages: 63-69 Published: FEB 2010 

4.Multicontext wavelet-based thresholding segmentation of brain tissues in magnetic resonance images. By: Zhou, Zhenyu; Ruan, Zongcai MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 381-385 Published: APR 2007 

5.Numerical study of resting-state fMRI based on kernel ICA Zhu, Dongjuan (Research Center for Learning Science, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China); Wang, Xunheng; Ruan, Zongcai Source: Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) , v 26, n 1, p 7881, March 2010 

6.Dynamic causality analysis on default mode network Cao, Rongrong (Research Center for Learning Science, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China); Zhu, Dongjuan; Huang, Qinqin; Wang, Xunheng; Ruan, Zongcai Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , v 7530 LNAI, p 42-49, 2012, , Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence - 4th International Conference, AICI 2012 

7.弥散张量成像的双张量模型纤维跟踪方法 Multi-tensor fiber tracking method in diffusion tensor imging. By: 黄海清; 杨永贵; 郭岗; et al. By: Huang Haiqing; Yang Yonggui; Guo Gang; et al. 中国医学影像技术 Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 1565-1568 Published: 2010 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 1565-1568 Published: 2010

8.基于单幅图像的视线计算研究 Study on eye gaze estimation from single image. By: 夏东石; 阮宗才 By: XIA Dongshi; RUAN Zongcai 计算机工程与应用 Volume: 43 Issue: 25 Pages: 37-39,142 Published: 2007 Computer Engineering and Application Volume: 43 Issue: 25 Pages: 37-39,142 Published: 2007 

9.基于运动轨迹分析的头部行为识别 Head Behavior Recognition Based on Analysis of Trajectory By: 黄腾; 阮宗才 By: Huang Teng; Ruan Zongcai 计算机工程 Volume: 38 Issue: 17 Pages: 218-221,231 Published: 2012 Computer Engineering Volume: 38 Issue: 17 Pages: 218-221,231 Published: 2012 

10.非线性模型下的摄像机自标定 Self-Calibration of a Camera with a Non-Linear Model By: 吴福朝; 阮宗才; 胡占义 By: Wu Fuchao; Ruan Zongcai; Hu Zhanyi 计算机学报 Volume: 25  Issue: 3  Pages: 276-283 Published: 2002 Chinese journal of computers Volume: 25  Issue: 3  Pages: 276-283 Published: 2002

11.Line detection algorithm based on random sample theory. By: Liu, R; Ruan, ZC; Wei, S Conference: 2nd International Conference on Image and Graphics Location: HEFEI, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: AUG 1618, 2002 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) Volume: 4875 Pages: 619-626 Part: 1&2 Published: 2002