


邓慧华,1968年5月28日生,博士、教授、博士生导师。1998年于东南大学分子与生物分子电子学教育部重点实验室(吴健雄实验室)获得工学博士学位。1999年1月至2000年3月在日本Tohuku University(东北大学)从事博士后研究工作。2000年12月至2006年3月在日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST)进行纳米功能合成技术在分子传感器研究中的应用。


目前集中于头发新型生物标记的开发、验证和应用,儿童发展的社会生物机制,动作意图理解等。主持或参与973、863、国家自然基金等国家级、省部级科研项目多项,以及NIH国际合作项目,获2000 中国高校科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖、2001年全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、2005 年日本纳米技术国际博览会技术创新奖、2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。自2012年以来,通过单胺类神经递质,以及HPA轴、HPG轴和内源性大麻素系统的激素评估儿童青少年的社会情绪能力发展。开发头发新型生物标记的检测技术,验证这些新型生物标记的可靠性,探索其在青少年的抑郁、焦虑等负性情绪、工作应激等慢性应激、创伤后应激障碍症状,以及社会情绪能力的评估等方面的应用。拓展应用于儿童发展领域,尝试探究社会情绪能力的神经生理基础及其发展的生物社会机制。自2012年发表学术论文四十余篇,其中SCI(SSCI)论文四十余篇,CSSCI(CSCD)论文二十余篇。


1. 参与 中国国家自然科学研究基金国际合作项目《艾滋病相关歧视与艾滋病临床指标的关联及影响机制研究(中美合作项目81761128004)》,2017-2020(进行中)

2. 参与  美国国家健康研究院资助项目 《艾滋病告知对患者临床指标影响机制的队列研究告知项目二期, 1R21Al122919-01A1》,  2017-2019

3. 参与  江苏省社科基金一般项目《工作倦怠的综合评价及其预防措施:基于工作要求-资源模型视角 (15GLB017)》,  2015-2017

4. 主持 教育部人文社科基金十三五规划项目《工作应激及其积累与头发皮质醇的关联 (15YJAZH009)》,2016-2018

5. 参与  科技部基础项目973一级子课题《高级脑机交互中动作意图与情感判读 (2015CB351704)》,  2015-2019

6. 主持 教育部人文社科基金十二五规划项目《青少年抑郁、焦虑与头发皮质醇的关联研究 (11YJAZH019)》, 2012-2014

7. 参与  哈佛大学-纽约大学-宾夕法尼亚大学-东南大学国际合作项目《南京都市青少年和南京都市宝贝项目》,2006-至今



1. Liuxi Chu, Yan Wu, Cailing Duan, Jin Yang, Haoran Yang, Ying Xie, Quan Zhang, Shan Qiao, Xiaoming Li, Zhiyong Shen, Huihua Deng, Simultaneous quantitation of zidovudine, efavirenz, lopinavir and ritonavir in human hair by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry, J Chromatography B, 2018, 1097-1098, 54-63 (SCI).

2. Yan Wu, Jin Yang, Cailing Duan, Shenghuo Chen, Shan Qiao, Xiaoming Li, Huihua Deng*, Simultaneous determination of antiretroviral drugs in human hair by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry, J Chromatography B, 2018, 1083, 209-221(SCI).

3. Quan Zhang, Zheng Chen, Shenghuo Chen, Tian Yu, Juxia Wang, Weiwen Wang, Huihua Deng*, Correlations of hair level with salivary level in cortisol and cortisone, Life Sciences, 2018, 193(1), 57-63. (SCI)

4. Christopher Mwanza, Zheng Chen, Quan Zhang, Weiwen Wang, Huihua Deng*, Simultaneous HPLC-APCI-MS/MS quantification of endogenous cannabinoids and glucocorticoids in hair, J Chromatography B, 2016, 1028, 1-10. (SCI)

5. Tian Yu, Hang Xu, Weiwen Wang, Shifei Li, Zheng Chen, Huihua Deng*, Validation of hair corticosterone in mice and rats as an endogenous biomarker of chronic stress, J Chromatography B, 2015, 1002, 267-276. (SCI)

6. Zheng Chen, Jifeng Li, Guanyi Xu, Jin Yang, Jing Zhang, Huihua Deng*, Simultaneous measurements of cortisol and cortisone in urine and hair for the assessment of 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity among methadone maintenance treatment patients with LC-ESI-MS/MS, J. Chromatography B, 2014, 969, 77-84. (SCI)

7. Jing Zhang, Jifeng Li, Youyun Xu, Jin Yang, Zheng Chen, Huihua Deng*, Characteristics of novel hair-based biomarker for the activity assessment of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2013, 426, 25-32. (SCI)

8. Zheng Chen, Jifeng Li, Jing Zhang, Xue Xing, Wei Gao, Zuhong Lu, Huihua Deng*,Simultaneous determination of hair cortisol, cortisone and DHEAS with liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry in negative mode,J. Chromatography B, 2013, 929, 187-194. (SCI)

9. Wei Gao, Tobias Stalder, Paul Foley, Manfred Rauh, Huihua Deng, Clemens Kirschbaum, Quantitative analysis of steroid hormones in human hair using a column-switching LC-APCI-MS/MS assay, J. Chromatography B, 2013, 928, 1-8. (SCI)

10. Xue Xing, Zheng Chen, Jifeng Li, Jing Zhang, Huihua Deng*, Zuhong Lu,Study on dissolution mechanism of cortisol and cortisone from hair matrix with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2013, 421, 62-72. (SCI)

11. Jifeng Li, Qiaozhen Xie, Wei Gao, Youyun Xu, Shuang Wang, Huihua Deng*, Zuhong Lu, Time course of cortisol loss in hair segments under immersion in hot water, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2012, 413: 434440. (SCI)

12. 邓慧华、皋伟、陆祖宏、谢巧珍,毛发中氢化可的松的提取和检测方法,中国发明专利 ZL 200910234277.X. 2012年授权


13. Youyun Xu, Jifeng Li, Qiaozhen Xie, Huihua Deng*, Hair cortisol levels and symptoms of anxiety and depression in Chinese adolescents: Comparison between incarcerated and community populations, PsyCH Journal, 2018 (accepted) (SSCI)

14. Xingliang Qi*, Shuang Ji, Jing Zhang, Judith K. Sluiter, Huihua Deng, The impact of emotional labor on chronic stress accumulation among female teachers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2017, 90(1), 117-122. (SSCI收录) 

15. Quan Zhang, Zheng Chen, Shenghuo Chen, Youyun Xu, Huihua Deng*, Intraindividual stability of cortisol and cortisone and the ratio of cortisol to cortisone in saliva, urine and hair, Steroids, 2017, 118, 61-67. (SCI收录)

16. Jin Yang, Jifeng Li, Guanyi Xu, Jing Zhang, Zheng Chen, Huihua Deng*, Zuhong Lu, Elevated hair cortisol levels among heroin addicts in methadone maintenance treatment compared to controls, PLOS ONE, 2016, 11(3): e0150729. (SCI收录) 

17. Xingliang Qi, Yapeng Liu, Jing Zhang, Shuang Ji, Judith K. Sluiter, Renlai Zhou, Huihua Deng*, Relationship between work strain, subjective need for recovery and hair cortisol among kindergarten teachers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2015, 88(8), 1053-1059. (SSCI收录)

18. Weiwen Wang*, Huihua Deng, Li Wang, Chengqi Cao, Hang Xu, Jianxin Zhang,Hair cortisone level is associated with PTSD's dysphoric arousal symptoms in highly traumatized Chinese females, J Affective Disorder, 2015, 182, 18-22. (SCI收录)

19. Li Wang, Chengqi Cao, Weiwen Wang*, Hang Xu, Jianxin Zhang, Huihua Deng, Xiangyang Zhang, Linking hair cortisol levels to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptoms in highly traumatized Chinese women, Biological Psychiatry, 2015, 77(4), e21-e22. (SCI收录)

20. Xingliang Qi, Jing Zhang, Yapeng Liu, Shuang Ji, Zheng Chen, Judith K. Sluiter, Huihua Deng*, Relationship between effort-reward imbalance and hair cortisol among kindergarten teachers, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2014, 76, 329-332. (SSCI收录)

21. Wei Gao, Ping Zhong, Qiaozhen Xie, Haiyang Wang, Jing Jin, Huihua Deng*, Zuhong Lu, Temporal features of elevated hair cortisol among earthquake survivors, Psychophysiology, 2014, 51, 319-326, DOI: 10.1111/psyp.12179. (SSCI 收录).

22. 张权,陈崝,王玮文,邓慧华*,创伤后应激障碍患者的HPA轴功能变化的时间序列特征,心理科学进展,2016, 24(4), 536-546. (CSSCI)

23. 张权,邓慧华*,头发皮质醇浓度测定在应激相关疾病研究中的应用,中国心理卫生杂志,2017, 31(2),108-114 (CSSCI)


24. Yapeng Liu, Xinyin Chen, Siman Zhao, Niobe Way, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Guangzhen Zhang, Zongbao Liang, Minghao Zhang, Xiaoyan Ke, Zuhong Lu, Huihua Deng*, Interactions between MAOA Gene Polymorphism and Maternal Parenting in Predicting Externalizing and Internalizing Behavioral Problems and Social Competence among Chinese Children: Evidence to Genetic Vulnerability or Differential Susceptibility Model? Infants Child Development, 2017, 26, e2024. (SSCI)

25. Yapeng Liu, Guangzhen Zhang, Minghao Zhang, Zongbao Liang, Zuhong Lu and Huihua Deng*, Contributions of 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism to Child Internalizing Problems across Toddlerhood to Childhood in Han Chinese, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16(7), 7234-7240. (SCI)

26. M Zhang*, X Chen, H Deng, LuZ, During infancy, orienting and gaze aversion serve as major self-regulatory mechanisms and play an important role in the development of deliberate self-regulation, Infant Behavior & Development, 2014, 37(4): 606-614. (SSCI)

27. Niobe Way*, Sumie Okazaki, Jing Zhao, Joanna J. Kim, Xinyin Chen, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Yueming Jia and Huihua Deng, Social and Emotional Parenting: Mothering in a Changing Chinese Society, Asian American Journal of Psychology 2013, Vol. 4, No. 1, 61–70

28. Taveeshi Gupta, Niobe Way*, Rebecca K. McGill, Diane Hughes, Carlos Santos, Yueming Jia, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Xinyin Chen, Huihua Deng, Gender-typed behaviors in friendships and well-being: a cross-cultural study of Chinese and American boys, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2013, 23(1), 57–68 (SSCI)

29. Tony Tan*, Linda A Camras, Huihua Deng, Minghao Zhang, Zuhong Lu. Parenting Styles and Preschool-age Adopted Chinese Girls' Behavioral Adjustment, Early Childhood Research Quarterly (ECRQ), 2012, 27(1): 128-136 (SSCI)

30. Minghao Zhang, Xinyin Chen*, Niobe Way, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Huihua Deng, Xiaoyan Ke, Weiwei Yu, Ping Chen, Chuan He, Xia Chi, Zuhong Lu*, The Association between Infants’ Self-Regulatory Behavior and MAOA Gene Polymorphism, Developmental Science, 2011, 14(5): 1059-1065, (SSCI)

31. Sung won Kim*, Vanessa L. Fong, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Niobe Way, Xinyin Chen, Huihua Deng and Zuhong Lu, Income, Work Preferences and Gender Roles among Parents of Infants in Urban China: A Mixed Method Study from Nanjing, The China Quarterly, 2010, 204, 939–959. (SSCI)

32. 方燕玉,齐星亮,季爽,顾菲菲,邓慧华*,新三元付出-回报失衡模型框架下护士的付出、回报和过度投入与工作倦怠的关系,心理科学,2018,41(2):441-446. (CSSCI)

33. 刘亚鹏, 邓慧华*, 张光珍,梁宗保, 陆祖宏, 父母养育压力对儿童问题行为的影响:养育方式的中介作用,心理发展与教育,2015, 31(3), 319-326. (CSSCI)

34. 张印平,刘亚鹏,朱颖,张光珍,梁宗保,邓慧华*,陆祖宏,亲子依恋与父母养育方式的关系,应用心理学, 2015, 21(1), 32-38. (CSSCI).

35. 杨瑾, 李季峰, 许关怡, 邓慧华*, 陆祖宏, 美沙酮维持治疗者感觉寻求、自我感知压力与心理健康的关系, 现代预防医学, 2015, 42(20): 3730-3732

36. 杨瑾,李季峰,许关怡,邓慧华*,陆祖宏, 南京市社区美沙酮维持治疗者人际关系敏感水平及影响因素分析, 中华预防医学杂志, 2015, 49: 705-709(CSSCI)

37. 朱颖,刘亚鹏,张光珍,张印平,梁宗保,叶明,邓慧华*,儿童早期气质对学步期父母养育方式的影响,心理发展与教育,2014, 30(6), 577-584 (CSSCI).

38. 许有云,周霄,刘亚鹏, 邓慧华*, 学校氛围对青少年抑郁的影响:自我控制的中介作用, 中国临床心理学杂志,2014 , 22(5), 860-863. (CSCD,CSSCI)

39. 齐星亮,刘亚鹏,季爽,郑然,张彦,邓慧华*,中文版恢复需要量表信效度的初步研究,中国临床心理学杂志,2014 , 22(5), 839-841. (CSCD,CSSCI)

40. 刘亚鹏, 汪志鹏, 张明浩, 陈平, 张光珍, 梁宗保, 邓慧华*,  陆祖宏, MAOA-uVNTR多态性与学步期儿童外显问题行为的关系, 中国临床心理学杂志,2014 , 22(3), 398-401. (CSCD,CSSCI)

41. 张光珍,梁宗保*,邓慧华, 陆祖宏, 学校氛围与青少年早期学校适应:一项三年的追踪研究, 心理发展与教育,2014, 30(4), 371-379. (CSSCI)

42. 邓慧华  陈慧  钟萍  梁宗保  张光珍,青少年早期自尊与抑郁的交叉滞后分析:检验易感模型和创伤模型,心理发展与教育,2013, 29(4), 407-414. (CSSCI)

43. 梁宗保 张光珍 邓慧华 宋 媛 郑文明, 学前儿童努力控制的发展轨迹与父母养育的关系:一项多水平分析, 心理学报,2013, 45(5), 556-567. (CSSCI)

44. 邓慧华 陈慧 钟萍 唐鑫 梁宗保,青少年早期抑郁的自尊缓解假设的追踪研究,心理发展与教育,2013, 29(2), 200-207. (CSSCI)

45. 陈慧 邓慧华* 梁宗保 钟萍 张光珍 陆祖宏,青少年早期的抑郁与生活事件的交叉滞后分析,中国临床心理学杂志,2012,20(1): 8083.(CSCD、CSSCI,ISSN1005-3611)

46. 于珩 张明浩 陈欣银 邓慧华 陆祖宏*,婴儿气质的实验室观察与母亲报告的一致性及其影响因素研究,心理发展与教育,2011,27(3),247-254.(CSSCI)